Health Fitness for
Mind, Body and Spirit

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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Whole HealthY Living

Look Good. Feel Good. Be Good.


Practicing daily habits and exercising personal development are key components to reaching major goals and creating patterns of success. 


All the wealth in the world can not make up for lack of good health. We must exercise regularly and be mindful of what we breathe, eat, and apply to our skin.


A strong prayer life that is both consistent and intentional is the foundation we need to live a healthy life. Let's follow practical steps to live by faith and love.

Who Is Robert?

Certified Personal Trainer

Robert Renaud is a Certified Personal Trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He is a lifelong athlete both in soccer and the sport of triathlon with countless finishes at the Olympic, Half Ironman and Ironman distances. He is an avid runner, cyclist, wellness advocate, and entrepreneur.


See what our clients are saying

I needed help losing a few extra pounds after having my 2nd child. Robert designed a plan that was attainable and fun. He truly cares about helping me reach my goals and seeing me succeed.

Sarah James

Marketing expert

I've been working out with Robert for 4 months now and am already seeing results physically, mentally and spiritually. He is always so encouraging and challenging me to be my absolute best.

Mike Tatum

Designer ui/ux

I've been so fortunate to find Robert. He only expects excellence and has more faith in my abilities than I do! So patient and kind yet he keeps me on track to meet my weight loss and long term health goals. 

Lisa Bellucci

CFO of the company

Get Your Free Workout Guide to Begin

Join us for our next virtual interactive workout! But first, download our FREE 90 Day Workout Plan to get the most out of the program. You will find:

  • Program overview
  • Guide to nutrition & supplementation
  • What to eat & what to avoid
  • Sample meal plan with recipes
  • Progress tracker
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