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  • Master Your Gait with Resistance Bands

June 21, 2023

Master Your Gait with Resistance Bands

Listen up, my fellow warriors of time! We all fear the relentless march of aging, but fear not! I'm here to reveal the ultimate weapon in our arsenal to stay strong, independent, and defy the hands of time: mastering your gait.

Picture this: you're strutting through the grocery store, and what do you see? A legion of older folks shuffling side to side, their hips and shoulders swinging like a pendulum with each step. It's called the Trendelenburg gait, my friends, and it's a signal that our bodies are succumbing to the ravages of time.

But fret not, for I bring tidings of hope! By incorporating a few mighty exercises into your daily routine, you can stave off the age-related changes in your gait and the treacherous problems that accompany them. Prepare yourself for the ultimate battle against the forces of gravity, my comrades!

Why Does Your Gait Matter, You Ask?

A study from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia revealed a shocking truth. When brave volunteers mimicked the Trendelenburg gait, their pelvis dropped four degrees to one side, causing their knees to buckle inward a staggering 23 percent more than with a normal stride. Can you imagine the havoc this wreaks on our precious knee joints?

The consequences, my friends, are dire indeed. The relentless stress inflicted upon our knee joints wears down the protective cartilage, narrows the space between our leg bones, and beckons the fearsome specter of arthritis. As if that wasn't enough, it robs us of precious energy, making every step a Herculean task, slowly depriving us of the exercise we so desperately need. It's time to rise up and take action!

The Culprits Behind the Gait Rebellion

Now, pay attention to this crucial insight, my comrades. While many factors can alter our gait, when it comes to physical battles, the weak hip abductors are often the mischief-makers. These powerful muscles, situated proudly on the outside of your hips, hold the key to maintaining stability and warding off knee pain. I'm talking about none other than the mighty gluteus medius, the guardian of our lower realms!

But fear not, for salvation lies in strengthening our core and lower body, uniting them in a symphony of coordinated action. By preserving our muscle tissue, increasing our strength and balance, we shall restore our gait to its former glory!

Unleash the Exercises of Gait Mastery

Are you ready, my aging warriors, to embark on this epic journey of gait transformation? For resistance bands from RR Health + Fitness, they are available on Amazon. Stand tall and prepare to conquer these three mighty exercises:

Exercise #1: Single-Leg Squat

Prepare to conquer the legions of weakness with the single-leg squat! Stand resolute before a chair or bench, resistance band beneath your back foot and resting on your shoulders, and toes pointing forward. Step your left foot forward, resting upon your heel. Shift your weight onto your right leg, ready to unleash your power.

With unwavering strength in your torso, descend into a squat, pushing your hips back as if defying gravity itself. Pause for a moment, then rise triumphantly through your right foot, reclaiming your stance. Feel the burn in your lower body, from foot to calf, thigh to hip. Repeat this noble movement four or five times, then switch sides and repeat the ritual.

Exercise #2: Standing Side Crunch

Behold, the side crunch! A favorite amongst warriors in gyms across the land, it reigns supreme in sculpting the core muscles of your hips, abs, and lower back. Loop the resistance band around your right ankle and under your left foot. Hold the band in your left hand with it feeling taut. Run your left hand down your left side as if you're shaving your thigh while only bending at the hip. Perform 20 reps. Do not fear using heavier resistance, if needed. Switch sides and repeat this noble stance. Aim for up to three sets per side, forging your path to gait mastery.

Exercise #3: Crossover Step

This exercise, my friends, will awaken your gait consciousness like never before! Fasten the resistance band from your right ankle to the RR H+F door anchor or sofa/bed leg. With your hands on your hips, lift that right foot off the ground. Hold this position, my brave warriors, and step across your body to feel a stretch in your hip flexor. Beware the drop of the pelvis or the wobble of imbalance! Repeat with the left foot, reclaiming your stance against the ravages of Trendelenburg.

Remember, my stalwart companions, to aim for three sets of four to five reps per leg. Perform this sacred ritual three times per week, on days of rest between battles.

Claim Your Age-Defying Strides!

Armed with these mighty exercises, my aging warriors, you hold the power to master your gait and defy the onslaught of time. Embrace the challenge, strengthen your core, and let your strides become a testament to your unyielding spirit.

But heed this, my comrades: safety is paramount. If you bear the weight of chronic conditions, injuries, or balance struggles, consult with your trusted physician before embarking on this epic journey of transformation.

Now, my brethren of resilience, go forth and reclaim your age-defying strides. Walk with pride, for you are the masters of your gait, the warriors of resilience, and the guardians of eternal youth.

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About the author 


Robert Renaud is a Certified Personal Trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He is a lifelong athlete both in soccer and the sport of triathlon with countless finishes at the Olympic, Half Ironman and Ironman distances. He is an avid runner, cyclist, wellness advocate, and entrepreneur.

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