
21 Days of Prayer, Worship & Meditation

Join us on this journey of connecting with God in a way that engages Holy Spirit, roots our prayers in the Bible, and exercises a consistent rhythm with Him that is impactful but also practical enough for anybody. We strengthen our muscles so let's become strong spiritually as well.

About Josh MacDonald

Josh is an evangelist who was visiting from IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Kansas City and staying with a mentor of mine who I've known for a decade now. Josh popped into our Zoom call and introduced himself briefly. After a 6am prayer set the next day at the Upper Room in Dallas, Josh recognized me and invited me for tacos. 

There, he introduced me to what God had been doing in his life and this 21 Days of Prayer which is now being shared with you. You can read more about Josh at www.themacdonaldfamily.org.

Spend 5 minutes in each step


Pray in the Spirit




Read scripture


Pray scripture




Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

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